

Imagen tomada de:
Mouli Cohen

Desde tiempos ancestrales, el ser humano se dio cuenta que existe información que no todo el mundo debe conocer o que simplemente no es de su conveniencia que otras personas conozcan dicha información. Es por ello que el ser humano ha dedicado una gran cantidad de tiempo, buscando métodos que permitan ocultar información. Desde la llegada de las telecomunicaciones e internet se hace hoy en día una prioridad el evitar que la información sea divulgada, ésto aplica fundamentalmente en los negocios y en el gobierno.

La Criptografía es una ciencia que desciende de la Criptología, que es la ciencia que estudia el ocultamiento de la información. La Criptografía proviene del griego kryptos:"ocultar", y grafos: "escribir". Es decir, significa "escritura oculta". La Criptografía nos permite ocultar, almacenar y transmitir información sobre canales públicos.



    1. 32 años de criptografía asimétrica y de clave pública
    2. Algoritmos De Criptografía Clásica
    3. Algoritmos y Protocolos Criptográficos con Curvas Elípticas
    4. Bases matemáticas de la criptografía de clave asimétrica: la aritmética modular y la clave RSA
    5. Breve Descripción De La Criptografía En La Revolución Mexicana
    6. Códigos y Criptografía
    7. Criptografía
    8. Criptografía
    9. Criptografía
    10. Criptografía
    11. Criptografía asimétrica
    12. Criptografía Básica
    13. Criptografía Clásica
    14. Criptografía Clásica y Moderna
    15. Criptografía de Clave secreta: Cifrado en flujo
    16. Criptografía El Arte De Escribir Con Clave Secreta
    17. Criptografía práctica
    18. Criptografía y esteganografía Una breve experiencia
    19. Criptografía y Seguridad
    20. Criptografía y Seguridad en Computadores
    21. Criptografía y Seguridad en Comunicaciones
    22. Criptografía, Claves y certificados con .Net FrameWork
    23. Criptografía, Una Necesidad Moderna
    24. Criptografía, Una Necesidad Moderna
    25. Galois representations and Diophantine problems. Successions de Sloane
    26. GnuPG: criptografía para todos
    27. Introduccion a la Criptografia
    28. Introducción a la criptografía
    29. Introducción a la Criptología
    30. Introducción a la seguridad
    31. La Criptografía Clásica
    32. Manual de Criptografía
    33. Matematicas Para La Criptografía
    34. QUITEMAD, presente y futuro de la computación y la criptografía cuánticas
    35. Seguridad y criptografía
    36. Seguridad: Criptografía
    37. Servicios de criptografía en la empresa
    38. Sistemas de Cifrado por Flujo
    39. Taller De Secretos
    40. Tipos de Cifrados Clásicos
    41. Una Simulación Simplificada De La Criptografía


    1. 1997 OECD Cryptography Guidelines: Recommendation of the Council
    2. A Bibliography of Quantum Cryptography
    3. A Brief History of Cryptography
    4. A Look Back
    5. A Secure Iris Image Encryption Technique Using Bio-Chaotic Algorithm
    6. A Short History of Cryptography
    7. A Study on Convolutional Codes. Classification, New Families and Decoding
    8. Advances in Cryptography since World War II
    9. AES and Attacks on Cryptographic Hashes
    10. An Introduction to Cryptography
    11. An Introduction to Cryptography and Digital Signatures
    12. An Introduction to Cryptography and Digital Signatures
    13. An Introduction to Cryptography and the Java Cryptography Extension
    14. An Overview of Cryptography
    15. Analysis of Block Ciphers
    16. Application: RSA cryptography
    17. Applications of Linear Algebra to Cryptography
    18. Applications of Multilinear Forms to Cryptography
    19. Augmented Encrypted Key Exchange
    20. Basics of Cryptography
    21. Block Ciphers
    22. Braid Groups, Artin Groups And Their Applications in Cryptography
    23. CEN 448 Security and Internet Protocols Chapter 3 Block Ciphers and DES
    24. Chapter 3 Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard
    25. Classification of Hash Functions Suitable for Real-life Systems
    26. Classification of Security Properties
    27. Concepts of Cryptography
    28. Cover-Free Families and Superimposed Codes: Constructions, Bounds, and Applications to Cryptography and Group Testing
    30. Cryptographic Cloud Storage
    31. Cryptography
    32. Cryptography
    33. Cryptography
    34. Cryptography
    35. Cryptography
    36. Cryptography
    37. Cryptography
    38. Cryptography
    39. Cryptography
    40. Cryptography
    41. Cryptography
    42. Cryptography
    43. Cryptography - Business Value Behind the Myth
    44. Cryptography and Network Security
    45. Cryptography and Network Security
    46. Cryptography and Network Security
    47. Cryptography and Prime Numbers
    48. Cryptography Timeline
    49. Cryptography, Lecture 1: Introduction
    50. Desing Inplemetation and Cryptanalysis of Modern Symmetric Ciphers
    51. Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Its Applications to Mobile Devices
    52. Elliptic Curve Cryptography in JavaScript
    53. Encryption Techniques: A Timeline Approach
    54. Exponential Separation For One-Way Quantum Communication Complexity, With Applications To Cryptography
    55. Formal methods and tools for evaluating cryptographic systems security
    56. Generalised dual arcs and Veronesean surfaces, with applications to cryptography
    57. Hash Functions and Data Integrity
    58. Helix
    59. History of Cryptography
    60. History of Cryptography
    61. Information-Theoretic Cryptography
    62. Introduction to Cryptography
    63. Introduction to Cryptography
    64. Introduction to Modern Cryptography
    65. Lattice-based Cryptography
    66. Network Security - ISA 656 Introduction to Cryptography
    67. New Directions in Cryptography
    68. New Directions in Cryptography
    69. On the Impossibility of Cryptography Alone for Privacy-Preserving Cloud Computing
    70. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blowfish A History of Cryptography
    71. Perturbed Hidden Matrix Cryptosystems
    72. Physical Unclonable Functions And Public-Key Crypto For FPGA IP Protection
    73. Policy-Based Cryptography and Applications?
    74. Practical Aspects of Modern Cryptography
    75. Protocols, Part 1
    76. Protocols, Part 2
    77. Public Key Ciphers
    78. Public key cryptography using Permutation P-Polynomials over Finite Fields
    79. Quantum Cryptography
    80. Quantum Encryption vs Quantum Computing: Will the Defense or Offense Dominate?
    81. REACT: Rapid Enhanced-security Asymmetric Cryptosystems Transform
    82. Reaction Attacks Against Several Public-Key Cryptosystems
    83. Secure Hash Standard (SHS)
    84. Security and Cryptography
    86. Some Applications of Coding Theory in Cryptography
    87. Speeding up Subgroup Cryptosystems
    88. Stream Cipher Design
    89. Symmetric Key Ciphers and Hashes
    90. The Advanced Encryption System (AES) Development Effort: Overview and Update
    91. The Basics of Cryptography
    93. The Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Application Programming Interfaces for Security Devices
    94. The History of Cryptography
    95. The Idea Behind Asymmetric Cryptography
    96. The Politics of Cryptography
    97. Timing Attacks on Implementations of Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS, and Other Systems
    98. Unbreakable Codes: RSA Public Key Cryptosystem
    99. Universal hash families and the leftover hash lemma
    100. Using the Cryptography Environment Pak
    101. Why Cryptosystems Fail


    1. La Cryptographie Militaire
    2. Recommandation Du Conseil Relative Aux Lignes Directrices Régissant La Politique De Cryptographie


      1. "Introduction to Modern Cryptography", Jonathan Katz, Yehuda Lindell
      2. A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography, Neal Koblitz
      3. An Introduction to Cryptography (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications), Richard A. Mollin
      4. Applied Cryptography, Bruce Schneier
      5. Classical Cryptography Course, Vol 1, Randall K. Nichols.
      6. Classical Cryptography Course, Vol 2, Randall K. Nichols.
      7. Codes and Ciphers - A History Of Cryptography, Alexander D'Agapeyeff
      8. Codes and Cryptography, Dominic Welsh.
      9. Computing With Bio-Molecules: Theory and Experiments (Springer Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science), Gheorghe Paun.
      10. Contemporary Cryptology : The Science of Information Integrity, Gustavus J. Simmons (Editor).
      11. Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications, Thomas Cusick, Pantelimon Stanica
      12. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, William Stallings
      13. Cryptography Engineering, Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, and Tadayoshi Kohno
      14. Cryptography Theory and Practice, Douglas R. Stinson
      15. Cryptography: A New Dimension in Computer Data Security; A Guide for the Design and Implementation of Secure Systems, Carl H. Meyer and Stephen M. Matyas.
      16. Cryptography: theory and practice, Douglas Robert Stinson
      17. Cryptography's Role in Securing the Information Society, Kenneth W. Dam,Herbert Lin
      18. Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Darrel Hankerson, Alfred Menezes, and Scott Vanstone
      19. Elliptic Curves in Cryptography, Ian F. Blake, Gadiel Seroussi, and Nigel P. Smart
      20. Elliptic Curves: Number Theory and Cryptography, Lawrence C. Washington
      21. Encyclopedia of Cryptology, David E. Newton.
      22. Foundations of Cryptography, Basic Tools, Oded Goldreich
      23. Handbook of Applied Cryptography (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications), Alfred Menezes, Paul van Oorschot, Scott Vanstone
      24. Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography, Roberto M. Avanzi, Henri Cohen, Christophe Doche, Gerhard Frey, Tanja Lange, Kim Nguyen, Frederik Vercauteren
      25. Hobby Cryptography : 86 Classical Ciphers Classified & Updated, Clayton Pierce.
      26. Internet Cryptography, Richard E. Smith.
      27. Introduction to Modern Cryptography, Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell
      28. Java Cryptography, Jonathan B. Knudsen.
      29. Libro Electrónico de Seguridad Informática y Criptografía
      30. Network Security Essentials: Applications and Standards 4th Edition, Stallings
      31. Practical Cryptography, Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier
      32. Secret Ciphers of the Eighteen Seventy-Six Presidential Election, D. Beaird Glover.
      33. Técnicas Criptográficas De Protección De Datos
      34. The Foundations of Cryptography, Oded Goldreich
      35. The research and design of reconfigurable computing for Block cipher, Xiaohui Yang, Zibin Dai, Yongfu Zhang and Xuerong Yu



        1. AB File Encryptor 3.08
        2. Cool File Encryption 2.4
        3. Cryoto-Soft
        4. Crypto Tutorial
        5. CryptoForge 3.3.0
        6. Encryption Shield 2.0.2
        7. MD5
        8. PGP
        9. SHA-1
        10. TrueCrypt



          1. Criptografía
          2. Elementos criptográficos para el Esquema Nacional de Seguridad
          3. Historia de la Criptografía y su Desarrollo en Europa
          4. Sistemas de cifrado con clave pública
          5. Sistemas de cifrado con clave secreta
          6. Theory and Practice of Cryptography